Better Money-Making

Britta Riley has been a pioneer in social entrepreneurship. She has worked not just on building ethical companies but also put time into developing corporate legal and governance structures that are better for people and the planet.

She was invited to the White House for her work on a mass collaboration patent project as part of the open-source hardware movement.

She participated in dozens of un-conference events worldwide with other social innovators. An “unconference” is a participant-driven conference model that emerged in the early 2010s. Unconferences replace the expert-centered structure of traditional conferences with participant voices as leaders and decision-makers. 

She worked with a leading Silicon Valley law firm to incorporate one of the first corporations (FPC, CA), Windowfarms, to have a legally grounded triple bottom line — accountability not exclusively to shareholder profits but also to the company’s environmental and social justice targets.


Community Organizing


Exhibition Design